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Experience a diverse line-up of experts, innovators, and visionaries sharing cutting-edge knowledge in technology, research, and operations at the NTRO Technical Conference 2023.

Keynote Speakers

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 Simon Kuestenmacher  

Simon Kuestenmacher is a Director and Co-founder of The Demographics Group.

He presents on demographic and global trends that are shaping Australia today and into the future and his observations are enjoyed by corporate, government and industry audiences alike. 
Simon is a columnist for The New Daily newspaper and a regular contributor to The Australian newspaper; and he is a media commentator on demographic and data matters. In his spare time Simon has authored three books on maps and runs what is by now the world’s largest Twitter account dedicated to maps and data. His social media posts reach over 35 million people every month. Simon ranks as one of the world’s top 10 influencers in data.


 Gabby O’Neill  

Executive Director, Strategic Policy Office of the National Rail Safety Regulator (ONRSR*)

Gabby has held senior government policy roles in road safety, work health and safety, residential tenancy and change management and has been a member of the Australasian New Car Assessment Program (ANCAP) Board. As Head of the National Office of Road Safety, Gabby was responsible for setting the national direction of road safety through the Australian National Road Safety Strategy – designing R&D road safety infrastructure improvements, public policy development and analysis, stakeholder engagement, legislative reform – and it is this extensive experience that she brings to ONRSR’s Strategic Policy team.

*ONRSR is an independent body corporate established under the Rail Safety National Law (South Australia) Act 2012. Safe railways for Australia.
Gabby ONeill Headshot


 Prof Gordon Cable AM  

Gordon is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Aerospace Medicine and a Professor in the Practice of Space Medicine at Australian National University

Gordon is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Aerospace Medicine and a Professor in the Practice of Space Medicine at Australian National University.  He is co-founder and Head of Flight Medicine with Human Aerospace Pty Ltd and has formerly held long-standing consultant role with the RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine. Gordon completed a week of space physician training at the ESA European Astronaut Centre in 2019, and worked on secondment at the Australian Space Agency 2020 – 2021.  He holds multiple Fellowships of professional aerospace organisations in Australia and internationally and in 2015 he was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for contributions to aerospace medicine.

Paul Campion


Paul Campion


Dr. Stas Krupenia-1

Dr. Stas Krupenia


Dr. Stas Krupenia


Erik Denneman

Dr. Erik Denneman

Dr. Erik Denneman

Puma Bitumen


Prof. Simon Burton

Prof. Simon Burton

Fraunhofer IKS

Michael Ortgiese-1

Prof. Michael Ortgiese

Prof. Michael Ortgiese

Institute of Transportation Systems (DLR)

Mats Wendel1

Mats Wendel


Mats Wendel



Steve Cratchley

Steve Cratchley

Suncorp Group


Paul Younis

Paul Younis

Department of Transport


Patrick Seares

Patrick Seares


Jason - NTRO Technical Conference (colour)

Jason Sprott

Jason Sprott


Burt Look
FSG - Geotechnics + FoundationsDr. Burt Look OAM

Asset Assurance

Amir Shahkolahi
Global SyntheticsAmir Shahkolahi

New & Emerging Materials

Negin feature 1
NTRODr. Negin Zhalehjoo New & Emerging Materials
Lalinda Karunaratne
Main Roads Western AustraliaLalinda Karunaratne

Asset Assurance

Mark Bondietti
WALGAMark Bondietti

Drivers of Innovation

Nicholas Lancaster-1
TMRNicholas Lancashire New & Emerging Materials
NTROGeorgia O'Connor

Next Generation Researchers

Hendrik Zurlinden
NTRODr. Hendrik Zurlinden

Agile Transport Futures

Havisanth Erasanayagam
Monash UniversityHavisanth Erasanayagam

Next Generation Researchers

FSG – Geotechnics + FoundationsDavid Lacey

Drivers of Innovation

Amit Trivedi
TMRAmit Trivedi

Drivers of Innovation

Javad Yaghoubi
NTRODr. Javad Yaghoubi

New & Emerging Materials

Sean Dorahy
Transport for NSWSean Dorahy

New & Emerging Materials

Paul Davies Photo
AustroadsPaul Davies
Arjoon Jesudasan-2
SPARC Hub - Monash UniversityArjoon Jesudasan

Next Generation Researchers

Allen Browne
Hiway Group / Hiway stabilizersAllen Browne

New & Emerging Materials

Trevor Distin
VSA GroupTrevor Distin

Drivers of Innovation

Clarissa Han 2-27.6
NTRODr. Clarissa Han

Technology & Data

Tim Martin
NTRODr. Tim Martin

Asset Assurance

Tim Cross
WSPTim Cross

Technology & Data

MicrosoftTeams-image (45)-1
NTRODr. Robert Kochhan

Asset Assurance

Logan City CouncilJinjiang Zhong

Technology & Data

Marshall Arokia
Greenwood Engineering A/SMarshall Arokia

Asset Assurance

Fredrik Pehrsson (Codo Consultancy)
Codo ConsultancyFredrik Pehrsson

Agile Transport Futures

Johan Cronje 31.8
NTROJohan Cronje

Asset Assurance

Nicholas Brook (TMR)
TMRNicholas Brook

Agile Transport Futures

Colin Cole
Central Queensland UniversityDr. Colin Cole

Agile Transport Futures

NTROBrook Hall

Drivers of Innovation

Elliot Fishman
Institute for Sensible TransportDr. Elliot Fishman

Agile Transport Futures

David Rawlinson
WSPDavid Rawlinson

Technology & Data

Suthakaran Sivagnanasuntharam-1
SPARC Hub - Monash UniversitySuthakaran SivagnanasuntharamNext Generation Researchers
NTROPaul Murray

Drivers of Innovation

Mel Lyons
NTROMelissa Lyons

Asset Assurance

RoadMainT Co., Ltd.Zongjun Pan

Technology & Data

Roberto Caporusso
MERMECRoberto Caporusso

Asset Assurance

Mike Shackleton-1
NTRODr. Mike Shackleton
Sarah Zhang
NTROSarah Zhang
Alexa Delbosc
Monash UniversityDr. Alexa Delbosc
Joshua Newman
Monash UniversityDr. Joshua Newman

Asset Assurance

Jaimi Harrison
NTROJaimi Harrison
NTROJeff Doyle
liz waller
TransurbanLiz Waller
jill boag
LeedJill Boag
Richard Wix 2
NTRORichard Wix

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